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Advanced Control Flow - Flowscript
apache > cocoon

Advanced Control Flow - Flowscript


Cocoon Flowscript is a JavaScript API to manage control flow based on an extended version of the Mozilla Rhino JavaScript interpreter that supports continuations. This extension has been incorporated into official Mozilla Rhino version and is shipped with Cocoon 2.2.

Flow Object Model

Cocoon provides a set of system objects for use by Flowscripts. We call this set of objects the Flow Object Model (FOM). The Flow Object Model consists of the following objects:

Cocoon Object

The Cocoon object represents the current Cocoon Sitemap. This is the entry point into the FOM. There is one instance of Cocoon which you may access in your scripts as the global variable cocoon, for example like this:

      var value = cocoon.request.getAttribute("blah");

The Cocoon object supports the following properties and functions:


The current Cocoon request:

Property [Request] request


The current Cocoon response:

Property [Response] response


The current Cocoon session:

Property [Session] session


The current Cocoon application context:

Property [Context] context


A reference to the current logger:

Property [Log] log


Any parameters passed to the script by the Cocoon Sitemap

Property [Object] parameters


Function sendPage([String] uri, [Object] bean)

Passes control to the Cocoon sitemap to generate the output page.

uri is the sitemap URI of the page to be sent back to the client. If the URI starts with a slash, it is resolved starting at the root sitemap, otherwise it is resolved relative to the current sitemap. The URI should not contain a scheme (such as cocoon:).

bean is a context object which can be accessed either inside this page to extract various values and place them in the generated page or in the sitemap to use values as parameters for actions or transformers.

Use value="{flow-attribute:name}" in any parameter tag in the sitemap to access a value from the bean.


Function [WebContinuation] sendPageAndWait([String] uri, [Object] bean, [Function] postPipelineCode, [Number] timeToLive)

Passes control to the Cocoon sitemap to generate the output page.

The flow script is suspended after the page is generated and the whole execution stack saved in the WebContinuation object returned from this function.

uri is the relative URL of the page to be sent back to the client. If the URI starts with a slash, it is resolved starting at the root sitemap, otherwise it is resolved relative to the current sitemap. The URI should not contain a scheme (such as cocoon:).

bean is a context object which can be accessed either inside this page to extract various values and place them in the generated page or in the sitemap to use values as parameters for actions or transformers.

Use value="{flow-attribute:name}" in any parameter tag in the sitemap to access a value from the bean.

If provided, the postPipelineCode function will be executed after pipeline processing is complete but before the script is suspended. You can use this to release resources that are needed during the pipeline processing but should not become part of the continuation. For example:

function processPage() {
   var id = ...
   var bizData = ...
   var uri = ...
   var comp = cocoon.getComponent(id);
   // use comp
   cocoon.sendPageAndWait(uri, bizData, function() {
      comp = null;

timeToLive is the time to live in milliseconds for the continuation created.

The return value is the continuation object.


Function sendStatus([Number] sc)

Sends an empty response with the provided HTTP status code.


Function [Object] createPageLocal()

Creates a Page Local object. The returned object behaves like a normal JavaScript object, but restores the property values it had when sendPageAndWait was originally called, each time a page is resubmitted (e.g. after hitting the back button). Such objects can be used to associate state with one particular page sent to the browser.


Function processPipelineTo([String] uri, [Object] bizData, [] stream)

Call the Cocoon sitemap for the given URI, sending the output of the eventually matched pipeline to the specified OutputStream.

uri is the URI for which the request should be generated. If the URI starts with a slash, it is resolved starting at the root sitemap, otherwise it is resolved relative to the current sitemap. The URI should not contain a scheme (such as cocoon:).

bizData is the business data object to be made available to the forwarded pipeline

stream is an OutputStream where the output should be written to.


Function redirectTo([String] uri, [boolean] isGlobal)

Send a client-side redirect to the browser. The uri argument is the URI to which the browser should be redirected.

The isGlobal argument, if true, causes an HTTP redirect to be sent to the client browser in all cases. When isGlobal is false and the request is an internal one (using "cocoon:"), the internal request will be redirected. For example, if you have a pipeline called from an aggregation:

  <map:part src="cocoon:/callflow"/>

and in some flow function:

cocoon.redirectTo("", false);

then the map:aggregate will try to read the content for its part from Google.


Function [WebContinuation] createWebContinuation()

Creates a new "bookmark" WebContinuation object. When invoked it will cause the script to resume right after the call. By calling this function prior to sendPageAndWait() you can be create a "bookmark" which will cause the page to be redisplayed in the browser. Note: the WebContinuation associated with sendPageAndWait() doesn't do this. Rather it resumes execution after the the page is submitted.

For example:

function processPage() {

  var bkm = cocoon.createWebContinuation();
  var biz = getBizData();
                         {bookmark: bkm, biz: biz},
                         function() { releaseData(biz); });


Function load([String] uri)

Load the JavaScript script specified by uri. The Cocoon source resolver is used to resolve uri.


Function Object getComponent([String] id)

Access an Avalon component.


Function releaseComponent([Object] component)

Release a pooled Avalon component.


Function createObject([JavaClass] componentClass)

Create and setup an object so that it can access the information provided to regular components. This is done by calling the various Avalon lifecycle interfaces implemented by the object.


Function disposeObject([Object] object)

Dispose an object that has been created using createObject.


Function exit()

Exit the current flowscript invocation.

There are some flowscript use cases where we want to stop the current flowscript without creating a continuation, as we don't want the user to go back to the script and return from the current function.

An example is a "login" function where the caller function expects this function to exit only if login is successful, but that has to handle e.g. a registration process that includes a "cancel" button.

Request Object

The Request object represents the current Cocoon request. It provides the following functions and properties:


Function [String] get([String] name)

Get the request parameter or attribute with the specified name.


Function [String] getAttribute([String] name)

Get the request attribute with the specified name.


Function [java.util.Enumeration] getAttributeNames()

Get an enumeration of request attribute names.


Function setAttribute([String] name, [Object] value)

Set the value of a request attribute.


Function removeAttribute([String] name)

Remove the attribute with the name name from this request.


Function [String]getCharacterEncoding()

Return the character encoding used by this request.


Function setCharacterEncoding([String] value)

Set the character encoding used by this request.


Function [Number] getContentLength()

Get the content-length of this request


Function [String] getContentType()

Get the content-type of this request


Function [String] getParameter([String] name)

Get the request parameter with the specified name.


Function [Array] getParameterValues([String] name)

Get an array of request parameters with the specified name.


Function [java.util.Enumeration] getParameterNames()

Get an enumeration of the parameter names in this request.


Function [String] getAuthType()

Get the authorization type used in this request.


Function [String] getProtocol()

Get the protocol used in this request.


Function [String] getScheme()

Get the scheme used in this request.


Function [String] getMethod()

Get the method used in this request.


Function [String] getServerName()

Get the server name of this request.


Function [Number] getServerPort()

Get the server port of this request.


Function [String] getRemoteAddr()

Get the remote address of this request.


Function [Boolean] isSecure()

Get the secure property of this request.


Function [String] getLocale()

Get the locale of this request.


Function [Array [String]] getLocales()

Get the locales of this request.


Function [Array [Cookie]] getCookies()

Get the cookies associated with this request.


Function [String] getHeader([String] name)

Get the header with name from this request.


Function [Array] getHeaders()

Get the headers associated with this request.


Function [java.util.Enumeration] getHeaderNames()

Get an enumeration of header names from this request.


Function [String] getRemoteUser()

Get the remote user associated with this request.


Function [String] getUserPrincipal()

Get the user principal associated with this request.


Function [Boolean] isUserInRole([String] role)

Returns whether the user associated with this request is in the specified role.


Request properties map to request parameters, i.e. request.blah is equivalent to request.getParameter("blah").

Response Object

The Response object represents the Cocoon response associated with the current request.

The response object contains hooks only to the cookies and to the response headers. Everything else will be controlled by the rest of the cocoon pipeline machinery (like output encoding, for example, which should *NOT* be determined by the flow).

It provides the following functions and properties:


Function [Cookie] createCookie([String] name, [String] value)

Creates a new Cookie.


Function addCookie([Cookie] cookie)

Adds cookie to the current response.


Function [Boolean] containsHeader([String] name)

Returns whether the current response contains a header with the specified name.


Function setHeader([String] name, [String] value)

Replaces the value of the header with name with value.


Function addHeader([String] name, [String] value)

Creates a new header in the current response with the specified name and value.


Function setStatus([Number] sc)

Sets the status code for this response.

Session Object

The Session object represents the user session associated with the current Cocoon request.

It provides the following functions and properties:


Function [Object] getAttribute([String] name)

Get the value of the session attribute with the specified name.


Function setAttribute([String] name, [Object] value)

Set the value of the session attribute with the specified name to value.


Function removeAttribute([String] name)

Remove the session attribute with the specified name.


Function invalidate()

Invalidate this session, releasing all resources associated with it.


Function [Boolean] isNew()

Returns true if the client does not yet know about the session or if the client chooses not to join the session. For example, if the server used only cookie-based sessions, and the client had disabled the use of cookies, then a session would be new on each request.


Function [String] getId()

Returns the unique id associated with this session.


Function [Number] getCreationTime()

Returns the time when this session was created, measured in milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT.


Function [Number] getLastAccessedTime()

Returns the last time the client sent a request associated with this session, as the number of milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT.


Function setMaxInactiveInterval([Number] interval)

Specifies the time, in seconds, between client requests before the contextcontainer will invalidate this session. A negative time indicates the session should never timeout.


Function [Number] getMaxInactiveInterval()

Returns the maximum time interval, in seconds, that the context container will keep this session open between client accesses. After this interval, the context container will invalidate the session. The maximum time interval can be set with the setMaxInactiveInterval method. A negative time indicates the session should never timeout.


Session properties map to session attributes, i.e. session.blah is equivalent to session.getAttribute("blah").

Context Object

The Context object represents the client context associated with the current Cocoon request.

It provides the following functions and properties:


Function [Object] getAttribute([String] name)

Get the value of the context attribute with the specified name.


Function setAttribute([String] name, [Object] value)

Set the value of the context attribute with the specified name to value.


Function removeAttribute([String] name)

Remove the context attribute with the specified name.


Function getInitParameter([String] name)

Get the value of the context initialization parameter with the specified name.


Context properties map to context attributes, i.e. context.blah is equivalent to context.getAttribute("blah").

Cookie Object

Cookie provides the following functions and properties:


Function [String] getName()

Get the name of this cookie.


Function [String] getVersion()

Get the version of this cookie.


Function setVersion([String] version)

Set the version of this cookie.


Function [String] getValue()

Get the value of this cookie.


Function setValue([String] value)

Set the value of this cookie.


Function [String] getComment()

Get the comment of this cookie.


Function setComment([String] comment)

Set the comment of this cookie.


Function [String] getDomain()

Get the domain of this cookie.


Function setDomain([String] domain)

Set the domain of this cookie.


Function [String] getPath()

Get the path of this cookie.


Function setPath([String] path)

Set the path of this cookie.


Function [Boolean] getSecure()

Get the secure property of this cookie.


Function setSecure([Boolean] value)

Set the secure property of this cookie.

Log Object

The Log object provides an interface to the Cocoon logging system.

It supports the following functions:


Function error([String] message, [java.lang.Throwable] exception)

Log an error message. If exception is provided its stack trace will also be logged.


Function debug([String] message, [java.lang.Throwable] exception)

Log a debug message. If exception is provided its stack trace will also be logged.


Function warn([String] message, [java.lang.Throwable] exception)

Log a warning message. If exception is provided its stack trace will also be logged.


Function info([String] message, [java.lang.Throwable] exception)

Log an information message. If exception is provided its stack trace will also be logged.


Function [Boolean] isErrorEnabled()

Returns whether error message logging is enabled.


Function [Boolean] isDebugEnabled()

Returns whether debug message logging is enabled.


Function [Boolean] isWarnEnabled()

Returns whether warning message logging is enabled.


Function [Boolean] isInfoEnabled()

Returns whether information message logging is enabled.


A WebContinuation represents a continuation of a Flowscript. Because a user may click on the back button in the browser and restart a saved computation in a continuation, each WebContinuation becomes the parent of a subtree of continuations.

If there is no parent WebContinuation, the created continuation becomes the root of a tree of WebContinuations.

WebContinuation objects support the following functions and properties:


Property [String] id

Returns the unique string identifier of this Web Continuation.


Property [Continuation] continuation

Returns the JavaScript continuation associated with this Web Continuation.


Property [WebContinuation] previousBookmark

Returns a reference to the first bookmark continuation among the pages preceding the one associated with this object, or null if no such bookmark continuation exists. The returned object is the continuation you would invoke to implement a "Back" button.


Function [Boolean] isBookmark()

Returns true if this continuation was not created by sendPageAndWait.


Function [WebContinuation] getParent()

Get the parent continuation of this continuation.


Function [Array [WebContinuation]] getChildren()

Get the child continuations of this continuation.


Function invalidate()

Invalidates a WebContinuation. This effectively means that the continuation object associated with it will no longer be accessible from Web pages. Invalidating a WebContinuation invalidates all the WebContinuations which are children of it.