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Parser Transformer
apache > cocoon

Parser Transformer

Parser Transformer

The parser transformer builds a syntax tree of a list of lexemes (tokens), by using a grammar file.

  • Name: parser
  • Class: org.apache.cocoon.transformation.ParserTransformer
  • Cacheable: yes - uses the last modification date of the grammar document for validation.

The parser uses the following elements from the SAX stream, and replaces them through a syntax tree.

<lexemes xmlns="">
 <lexeme symbol="word" text="..."/>
 <lexeme symbol="word" text="..."/>
 <lexeme symbol="word" text="..."/>
 <lexeme symbol="punctation" text="..."/>

The parser transformer will replace those elements with a syntax tree.

<paragraph xmlns="">

A detailed explanation of function and the grammar format can be found at Chaperon.