Todo List
- [code] Test, test, test :-) →
- [build] Complete (means put all allowed constructs and combinations) the lint/sitemap.xmap file. Enhance the RELAX NG grammar for sitemap. →
- [code] For 2.2: Views must start not from the first encountered label, but from the last one (see →
- [code] Finish the design and contracts of flow. Add more tests and samples and documentation. →
- [code] Finish the refactoring of samples See info at BRANCH_2_1_X/src/documentation/xdocs/plan/samples.xml ( refactoring guidelines document). →
- [code] Finish moving the scratchpad stuff in main trunk. →
- [code] Ensure that recyclable components always release their references, even when they are not pooled. The easiest way is to make them disposable and clean up in dispose. →
- [code] Lucene is writing info to stdout when searching. →
Redesign FragmentExtractorGenerator/Transformer so that it works on a clustered
server: store fragments in the session rather than in a local store.
This couldn't work, because if you working with caching pipelines, you cannot be sure that the entries are in the session(Stephan). → - [code] Remove ContainerWidget concept from cforms. →