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apache > cocoon



Why doesn't anything happen when I access 'http://localhost/cocoon/'? You might want to check a few things. Is your server listening to port 80? If not, you have to call the right port, for example, 'http://localhost:8080/cocoon/'. Note that Apache Tomcat binds by default to port 8080, NOT 80. Did your servlet engine install the WAR file? You can check this by ma...
Why is cocoon.war so big? Cocoon.war includes all the libraries it requires to run. This includes several megabytes of Java classes. It also includes the JDK javac compiler which must be present in the war file to allow page compilation without classloading problems.
I get a java.lang.VerifyError when accessing 'http://localhost/cocoon/'. What's wrong? Cocoon requires a JAXP 1.1 compliant parser. Some servlet engines (like Tomcat 3.2.1) use older XML parsers. Replace the XML parser with a more recent one (e.g. the Xerces 1.3.0 or newer). For Tomcat 3.2.1, remove the jaxp.jar and the parser.jar from the tomcat/lib directory. Copy the xerces.jar...
Cocoon still won't start, this time I get javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException: Namespace not supported by SAXParser in the Cocoon log file. This is a classloader issue with Tomcat and some other servlet engines. Basically it means that the Xerces library included with Cocoon is not being found. The solution is to place the Xerces library first in the classpath.
Cocoon won't start, and I get a "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.log.LogKit: method createLogger(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/apache/log/Logger; not found" in my Servlet Container's log. You have an old set of libraries installed. Copy the correct libraries from the distribution. Even better, build Cocoon with "build webapp". This build creates a complete WAR file with all necessary libraries included.
I'm still stuck, what do I do? Contact the Cocoon Users mail list ( Please do not contact developers directly for help. Cocoon users are generally more responsive because they tend to have more experience than developers troubleshooting installation problems. Cocoon has several log files which are sto...


How do I call a pipeline from flowscript and let the generator start from my DOM tree, input streams, ... ? Suppose in a flowscript you have XML in some form or another: a DOM tree, a Java InputStream, a string, or some other type of object (e.g. an XMLBeans, a JDOM, ...). Now you want to call a pipeline (either via sendPage or processPipelineTo) and want that pipeline to start from the XML data you h...


How do I implement a cancel button in Cocoon Forms? There are two kinds of "buttons": actions and submits. Actions are internal to the form, and thus always redisplay it, whereas submits are intended to exit the form. A <fd:submit> normally tries to validate the form and will redisplay it in case of validation error, unless it has the validate="f...
My form contains references to javascript functions that are not defined, how do I fix this? When you publish a CForm through the default CForms XSLs, you'll notice that it contains references to javascript functions such as <body onload="forms_onload();">. If these don't work, because the scripts are not defined using <script> in the HTML page, then this is likely because the input you...